• Unilateral exercises are essentially single-arm och single-leg movements. Check out the About page and our Journal to learn more about unilateral strength training.

  • You can access your program by signing in into your account in the PT distinction app or in the membership area

  • PT distinction is the app in which we will upload all your workouts for you to access them directly in iOS and Android on your mobile device. You can also track your progress, log your food using the in-app food diary, upload progress photos and chat with your trainer using the message function.

    Upon purchasing one of our programs we will set up an account for you. If you have not received an e-mail about your account being set up within 24 hours please send us an e-mail at info@unilat.se.

  • All workouts are separated into different sections such as mobility, warm up and workout. The sets and reps will be clearly stated for each movement in the section.

  • Change the password for your PT distinction account by logging into the membership area and then go to change password.

  • Please note that your account will only be active for the time of your purchased program (Personal training is a monthly subscription plan), plus an additional week for you to be able to catch up on any missed workouts.

    If you have an active program and still cannot access your account then please send us an e-mail at info@unilat.se for further assistance.

  • A circuit means you’re doing one set of several exercises in a row. i.e first exercise for 10 reps, move to second exercise for 10 reps, then move to third exercises and do 10 reps, this is one set. Start on exercise and repeat all over for prescribed number of sets.

    Please note that there might be prescribed rest between exercises in a circuit, if this is the case it will be noted next to the sets and reps.

  • The prescribed rest period between sets will be noted next to the sets and the reps. 2 min means 2 minutes and 90 means 90 seconds.

    Generally you want to rest at least 90 seconds and preferably up to 2-3 minutes when doing strength work to fully recover between sets. This allows you to do more volume which will drive muscular growth.

  • If there are several prescribed number of sets (3-4 or 3-5) this means that you could be doing a different amount of sets depending on how you feel.

    If you’re still moving well with good technique after 3 sets we strongly recommend you do 4 or 5 sets to take advantage of a good training day, as this will result in more stimulus on the days you feel good.

  • Unilateral training (using one leg or one arm and so on at the time) is the foundation of all our programs, so this simply means that you do 10 reps with your left or right leg or arm before switching to the other leg or arm for 10 more reps, meaning 10+10 is a full set.

  • The L or R simply means left or right arm or leg. Sometimes it’s prescribed that you do multiple exercises in a row using only your left or right side before switching to the other side.

  • If you miss the occasional workout don’t worry about it, just go on with the next session. If you know you won't be able to complete more than say 3 out of 5 days it’s possible to move the workouts inside the app by yourself, so you can postpone them by yourself.

    Please contact your trainer using the in-app chat or send us an e-mail at info@unilat.se for further assistance.

  • A gym membership is not needed for all the Unilat™ programs, but we do suggest you have access to at least a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells to complete the workouts as they’re intended.